English waiting times improved in November, and were in good shape for the run-up to winter. The total waiting list was down, and admissions were up, with both closely following last year’s seasonal trend.

Long-waits were down too. The number of over-one-year waiters, which fell sharply in October following major validation exercises, was 10,407 (of which 3,161 were at Mid Staffs). The NHS edged closer to success against the new target, with 92 per cent of the waiting list within 18.9 weeks (or, looking at it the other way, 91.1 per cent of the list within 18 weeks).

The original data analysed in this post is published by the Department of Health here. You can download our waiting times fact checker here:

Gooroo NHS waiting times fact checker

Admissions - seasonal trend

Admissions - seasonal trend

November 2011 had the same number of working days (22) as November 2010, and the number of admitted patients treated is almost identical.

Total waiting list

Total waiting list

The total number of patients on the waiting list is also tracking last year’s numbers very closely.

England 92nd centile waiting times

England 92nd centile waiting times

Looking at the long-waiters, 92 per cent of the waiting list is within 18.9 weeks, almost exactly the same as October (19.0 weeks) but much better than the previous year (20.1 weeks in November 2010).

Longwaits by specialty

Longwaits by specialty

At specialty level Neurosurgery continues to recover, and the major surgical specialties reflect the overall trend.

Is there no bad news at all?

Provider-specialties achieving 92 per cent

Provider-specialties achieving 92 per cent

Well, perhaps, but only slightly. The proportion of services (by Trust, by specialty) achieving the new “92 per cent of the waiting list within 18 weeks” target has fallen slightly, though no worse than it was a year previously.

We will publish full details by Trust, PCT and specialty as soon as we finish processing the data, but in the meantime here are the top twenty highly-pressured Trusts in England. Congratulations to Sheffield Teaching, who last month were at number 6 and had the distinction of being the only Trust in England with over 1,000 one-year waiters; they have now dropped off the table entirely with only 65 one-year waiters.

Trust 92% of waiting list is within Position in November Change Position in October Over-one-year waiters on list
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust 52+ weeks # 1 no data no data 3161
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 40.8 weeks # 2 no change from # 2 706
Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust 36.5 weeks # 3 no change from # 3 146
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 28.2 weeks # 4 up 6 from # 10 0
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust 28.0 weeks # 5 no change from # 5 659
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust 27.5 weeks # 6 up 15 from # 21 32
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 27.4 weeks # 7 no change from # 7 114
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 27.0 weeks # 8 up 1 from # 9 0
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 26.9 weeks # 9 up 4 from # 13 0
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 25.7 weeks # 10 down 6 from # 4 140
Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust 24.9 weeks # 11 up 3 from # 14 37
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust 24.4 weeks # 12 no data no data 267
South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust 24.4 weeks # 13 down 1 from # 12 7
Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 24.2 weeks # 14 up 4 from # 18 1
South London Healthcare NHS Trust 23.6 weeks # 15 down 7 from # 8 300
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 23.6 weeks # 16 up 6 from # 22 118
Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 23.4 weeks # 17 up 6 from # 23 41
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 23.0 weeks # 18 up 1 from # 19 0
South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust 22.9 weeks # 19 up 1 from # 20 0
Kingston Hospital NHS Trust 22.6 weeks # 20 down 3 from # 17 158