Elective recovery solutions that put you in control of your waiting lists

Almost a third of all trusts have been identified by NHS England as being ‘at risk’ of missing key targets for electives and cancer recovery.

All are struggling with the backlogs.

At Insource we provide tactical and strategic elective recovery solutions that help. Our waiting list management solutions allow you to get control of your backlogs – rather than always firefighting against targets.

Our full elective recovery suite includes – waiting list management, capacity planning and bed management, eLearning, data validation, and patient journey analytics. Instead of worrying about constantly breaching long-waits, we give the NHS sustainable, predictive processes and accurate data to get the backlogs down and avoid the endless firefighting to keep ahead of the targets.

Download our Elective Recovery data sheet – here

Launching at Rewired

At Insource we pride ourselves on our agile technology that can help solve both local and national problems. To meet the avalanche of NHS pressures, Insource will be launching its Patient Pathway Lite (PP Lite) Series on stand C21 at Rewired – 14-15 March, Business Design Centre, Islington.

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The fast-fix solutions selected for immediate release include:                               

  • Cancer PP Lite – which gives visibility of all cancer pathways in a single online platform. With the increased NHS focus on 62-day cancer backlogs and the establishment of Tier 1 and 2 trusts, with its accompanying government scrutiny, this innovative tool helps trusts quantify their risk position and gives visibility of cancer waiting times across the system in a single online resource. Cancer PP Lite helps identify next steps for each patient and establish good practice management. 
  • Single Specialty PP Lite – allows trusts to focus on their most-problematic specialty first.  It helps bring down the backlogs in that area, identify bottlenecks and shows the status of all patients in their care journey. It highlights the accuracy of patients on the waiting list.  Replacing copious spreadsheets, PP Lite clearly pinpoints any status coding errors, broken processes and helps uncover duplicate records. It shows the diagnosis and treatment status of each patient and ultimately the progress of the cohort grouping.
  • Technical Validation PP Lite – is a fast-fix tool that allows trusts to target their biggest backlogs first and put in place sustainable processes that manage waiting lists long-term.  This online validation tool allows visibility of the specialties under review.  It allows validators to check whether the patient is on the right list and in the right place in their pathway. This single source of the truth tracks error types and shows where they originate, it extracts evidenced-based insights that highlight bottlenecks and above all identifies risk – enabling immediate corrective actions.  It supports both admin and clinical validation.
  • Faster Data Flows – With the request from NHSE to implement Faster Data Flows (FDF) by 31st March, many Trusts are finding it a challenge to meet this tight deadline as resources are already stretched delivering existing projects and reporting requests.  At Insource we can help providers submit daily data flows and the granular Faster Data Flows dataset in a cost-effective way. Our solution will automate the collection and preparation of the data set, saving information teams valuable time and effort each day.  It can be quickly installed in time for the March deadline, ensuring trusts can meet statutory obligations without having to burden staff.  With an expertise in both acute and community statutory reporting, Insource looks forward to helping acute providers now and with the planned expansion to community providers later this year.

Need help? Let us know your problem area and join us at Rewired

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Unified data for the complete data picture

Also, at Rewired we will be showing our range of data management solutions that enable trusts to make informed care and business decisions by providing the complete picture.  A picture that includes data from the multitude of operational and reporting systems foundational to the intricate workings of the NHS. 

The NHS, as we know, is a very complex organisation with a diverse IT landscape. With over 20 years’ experience, Insource captures all granular patient pathway interactions from across this disparate landscape – despite the legacy infrastructure – unifies them, and makes them available for system-wide care coordination and accurate reporting. 

This accurate, single version of the truth can then be shared by clinicians and managers for system-wide care coordination, elective recovery, and better patient care.

Download our data management data sheet – here