Where are the longest waits? What are waiting times like in your local NHS? How difficult is the new waiting time target? Here are some maps to help you find the answers.

All the maps are interactive: you can zoom and scroll, click on the pins for details in a balloon, and click the title in the balloon for a full analysis.

The first pair of maps is intended for journalists and the public. It highlights the longest-waiters, and you can click on the pins for year-on-year comparisons of the total number waiting, 18 week waiters and 52 week waiters. All data is for all specialties combined (see below for specialty-level data).

Long-waiters:  by Trust (Provider basis) and by PCT (Commissioner basis)

The second pair of maps is designed more for NHS managers and clinicians. It looks at the challenge of achieving the new RTT waiting times target, and the pins show the waiting time achieved by 92 per cent of the waiting list (the new target for this measure is 18 weeks). Click on the pins to see estimates of how hard it will be to achieve the new target, both with and without improving patient scheduling. For more details about the methodology see our earlier blog post on the new target. All data is for all specialties combined, and the analysis therefore assumes that resources can be deployed flexibly between specialties.

Achieving the new target: by Trust (Provider basis) and by PCT (Commissioner basis)

To drill down to specialty level, or to jump straight to a particular Trust or PCT, you will find a full set of detailed reports at the Gooroo website.

Full analysis by Trust/PCT and by specialty: All 18 week reports at specialty level

Merry Christmas!

Provider one year waiters

Provider one year waiters