Visibility of all cancer pathways in a single online platform

With the increased NHS focus on 62-day cancer backlogs and the establishment of Tier 1 and 2 trusts, with its accompanying government scrutiny, Insource announces Patient Pathway Lite (PP Lite) for Cancer. This innovative tool helps trusts quantify their risk position and gives visibility of cancer waiting times across the system in a single online resource. Cancer PP Lite helps identify next steps for each patient and establish good practice management.  

Cancer PP Lite – single source of truth

Cancer PP Lite combines all suspected and identified cancer patients into a single online PTL (Patient Tracking List). This real-time list shows the status of all patients in their care journey. It highlights the accuracy of patients on the waiting list.  Replacing copious spreadsheets, Cancer PP Lite clearly pinpoints any status coding errors, missing IDs or NHS numbers and helps uncover duplicate records. It shows the diagnosis and treatment status of each patient and ultimately the progress of all cohort groupings.

An invaluable validation tool for cancer managers, Cancer PP Lite also gives performance directors and operations teams clear oversight of the care status across all tumour groups.  It quickly identifies bottlenecks, shows areas of high demand, and provides the accurate workload data to plan effective resource management.

Solution benefits

  • Visibility of complete PTL
  • Single source of the truth
  • Data assurance tool
  • Enables targeted resource management
  • Prompts performance improvement
  • Delivers actionable insights
  • Pinpoints training needs
  • Helps reduce waiting times

Data assurance – essential validation tool

Cancer PP Lite accommodates elective referrals of suspected cancers from GPs, Consultant upgrade, and data from incidental findings from patients admitted via A&E, or those coming into the trust for other conditions and testing positive for cancer.  With all the data in one location, Cancer PP Lite is a powerful validation aid. 

As a shared online resource, Cancer PP Lite helps build consistent processes across the trust.  The system shows what has been recorded and allows the validator to make comments about next steps or record what has been missed from the patient’s pathway. The trust can identify what patients should have been stepped off as “no cancer” and which patients are truly awaiting further diagnostics or treatment. The tool can highlight errors that have arisen and can show which staff are creating the errors and therefore require further training. Cancer PP Lite is a single, shared validation resource that builds data assurance, identifies the true waiting list status, and aids internal pathway management.

Trust-wide visibility

Cancer PP Lite enables hospitals to visualise all pathways for suspected cancer patients in one place.  All validated data is recorded in a structured way on the online platform and is accessible via dashboard or as automated reports for trust-wide use. It provides a near real-time view of the cancer PTL and allows performance and operational teams to extract live insights. Reports can be made available to the cancer services team, performance directors, heads of operations, and for all tumour sites, to inform improvements.

As it quantifies bottlenecks, clear restorative actions can be put in place fast – such as creating more endoscopy slots, speeding up radiology reporting, or creating more clinical capacity for surgeries – to avoid unwarranted harm.

Cancer PP Lite allows visibility of the backlogs, and invariably helps reduce waiting times, as up-to-date validation not only helps with clearing out those patients that should no longer be on the lists but also helps with timely next steps in the patient journey.

Targeted training tool

Cancer PP Lite is an invaluable performance management tool, assisting not only with overall waiting lists reduction but also informing staff training. Cancer PP Lite identifies broken processes and the key people involved, so targeted training can be swiftly implemented.

At Insource our Cancer eLearning modules can also be provided to enable hospital staff to understand how to precisely record patient waiting times and track a patient’s progress. Our CPD-accredited patient pathway training cuts through the jargon and ensures an understanding of the current Cancer Waiting Times guidance.

Insource Cancer eLearning, together with Cancer PP Lite, boosts staff performance and increases data accuracy. With accurate waiting lists comes achievable capacity planning, effective resource utilisation and tighter financial management.

Bringing down the backlogs

Insource Cancer PP Lite provides visibility, data assurance, clarity of the issues for cancer services and performance teams to tackle the problems and bring down the backlogs.

Download the data sheet – here