If you work in the independent healthcare sector, and have difficulty complying with the NHS’s reporting requirements for doing NHS-funded waiting list work, then don’t worry – you are not alone.

Even the NHS finds it difficult. That’s right – even large NHS hospitals, with expensive PAS/EPR systems and entire information departments, find it onerous to submit timely and accurate data to the NHS. No wonder that smaller-scale independent sector providers find it difficult too.

We should know, because we provide automated NHS reporting services for both sectors. The key is to focus on the data – by getting that right, the reporting itself is straightforward. And that data turns out to be useful for all kinds of things beyond external reporting, such as data warehousing, business intelligence, and managing real patient pathways.

If you’re coming to the LaingBuisson conference on Wednesday 9th October then pop over to see us on Stand 9. And if you aren’t, then simply drop us a line. We’ll be delighted to talk to you.