Here are some resources to help you analyse the RTT waiting times pressures in your local area.

You can look up any Trust or PCT, any specialty, and get a detailed analysis with peer comparisons and time trends here: (free registration required).

If you are managing towards the new target (that 92 per cent of the waiting list must be within 18 weeks), then these maps show the scale of the pressures. You can click any organisation to get more detail in a balloon.

92 per cent by Trust

92 per cent by Trust

92 per cent by Commissioner

92 per cent by Commissioner

If you want raw data on the number of patients waiting, both in total and for long-waiters, with year-on-year comparisons, then the next two maps have all that. You can access them by Trust and by Commissioner. On these interactive maps, the pin colours show the number of one-year waiters.

One year waiters by Trust

One year waiters by Trust

One year waiters by PCT

One year waiters by PCT