The wait for diagnosis and decision is rising much faster than the wait for treatment. Analysis produced...

Why the direct approach doesn’t work for elective recovery
Trying to eliminate cohorts of waiting list patients is too simplistic says Rob Findlay. Analysis produced...
Elective waits continued to worsen in June
Growing underlying pressures are coming into conflict with the headline targets Analysis produced for Health...
Data Saves Lives: the importance of a complete, accurate data foundation
Sam Elliott, CEO of Insource Ltd explains the importance of a complete and accurate data foundation if the Data Saves...
Elective volumes rise as covid measures ease
Elective admissions rose sharply following the relaxation of covid measures, but it was not enough to stop the waiting list from growing
Elective waiting times worsen in April
The number of 104-week waiters improved, but overall things are getting worse with elective waits. Analysis produced...
Data Saves Lives: Reshaping Health and Social Care – Insource comment
Data Saves Lives strategy – risks 'never mind the quality, feel the width' approach Let us raise at least two cheers...
Surging backlog marked end of financial year
Two-year waits may be falling, but the underlying pressure on waiting times continues to grow Analysis produced...
Underlying pressure still rising on elective waiting times
Although headline waiting times fell slightly, both the waiting list and the wait to diagnosis went up Analysis...