System migrations are a marvellous opportunity to get your data right and improve operational processes As trusts are...
Patient Pathway Plus: A Key to Protecting and Expanding Elective Capacity in the NHS
The NHS’s drive to protect and expand elective capacity focuses on Outpatient transformation, with an expectation of...
Cancer Waiting Times update is your hospital ready?
CWT v11.1 available on our platform now! Cancer is a specialty that, as we all know, needs fast diagnosis and...
Insource launches fast-start solutions
With the endless reporting and care demands on providers, Insource can help. As experts in elective recovery and data management, we can solve both local and national problems.
Get single view of all your waiting lists
At Insource, we specialise in providing elective recovery solutions that give you a single source of the truth of all your waiting lists – across a specialty, a hospital or even across an ICS.
Unified data for complete picture
At Insource, we know that UK healthcare is very complex, and our team have hundreds of years’ experience working within it.
National Treatment Centre NHS Highland opens
NHS Highland NTC opens to fast-track Ophthalmology and Orthopaedic waiting lists. And unified data and informed...
Insource now DTAC compliant – one of first UK companies to achieve full compliance
The Insource product suite now meets stringent DTAC compliance targets in all areas including Clinical Safety, Data...
Insource Faster Data Flows
Easy automated Faster Data Flows data collection and submission for Providers The NHS faces numerous challenges in...